What are the least liked Christmas table classics?
Pigs feet, lutefisk, headcheese and “dopp i grytan” are some of the dishes many Swedes prefer to pass on the Christmas table. That is, if you believe a new survey from the Swedish retailer Ica.
When Swedes themselves are asked which of the traditional Christmas dishes they prefer to avoid, the list is topped by pigs feet, tongue, lutefisk and headcheese.
Eel isn’t a favorite either, but there may be other explanations for this:
"There are more reasons than taste for why it may be Sweden's least loved Christmas food. The eel is today a threatened species and thus also protected. We do not sell eel in any of our stores, but if you miss the taste of "smoked" on the Christmas table, you can always pick smoked salmon,“ Leif Grönlund from Ica said in a press release.
The difference in food preferences in different age groups becomes apparent during Christmas. People between the ages of 18 and 34 pass more traditional Christmas dishes than those over age 65. Sixty-eight percent of ages 18 to 34 prefer to decline lutefisk, compared to 30 percent of ages 65 to 74, according to the survey. Sixty-seven percent of ages 18 to 34 choose to pass on headcheese while only 30 percent of those aged 65 to 74 do.

The number of Swedes who prefer to pass certain Christmas dishes:
Pigs feet (grisfötter)- 74%
Boiled tongue (kokt kaltunga) - 69%
Smoked eel (rökt ål) - 56%
Lutefisk - 52%
Headcheese (sylta) - 50%
Dopp i grytan - 48%
Salmon / Fish aspic (lax /fiskaladåb) - 48%
Cabbage (brunkål) - 41%
Leg of mutton (fårfiol) - 35%
Herring salad (sillsallad) - 32%
The survey was conducted by Kantar Sifo on behalf of Ica between July 16 and August 5, 2018 with 4,200 respondents throughout Sweden. Source: Ica


Regional defferences
It's not Christmas without Christmas food, but what Swedes choose to eat can differ greatly depending on where they live. In southern parts of the country, cabbage is a given on the Christmas table, but it’s nonexistent in the north. Instead, dishes like headcheese and Christmas pork sausage are popular in northern Sweden.
Other foods that are regionally popular in Sweden are, for example, Christmas crispbread in Dalarna, and Christmas cheese cake (ostkaka) is big in Småland and Östergötland, while on Gotland they have their saffron pancake. The geographical differences were originally due to the availability of raw materials. Bohuslän had plenty of herring and in Halland there was cabbage while Lapland had plenty of game. Despite regional differences, there are nevertheless dishes that are equally popular throughout Sweden: meatballs, rice pudding (risgrynsgröt) and herring.