Häckeberga Castle's Executive Chef shared his recipe for an interesting, apple-based glögg below. To find out more about the Castle and the chef, see At Häckeberga Castle with Tomas Gustavsson

Tomas Gustavsson's apple glögg
4 cups of freshly squeezed apple juice (use organic apples)
2 oz muscovado sugar
1 cinnamon stick (about 1.5” long)
2 star anise seed
2 cloves
1 bitter orange peel
1 cup + 2 oz white wine
4 oz of Calvados brandy (optional)
Heat half the apple juice with the sugar and spices. Remove from heat and stir in the rest of the juice, let it sit over night then run it through a sieve. Heat the glögg with the white wine and brandy (leave out the wine and brandy for an alcohol-free glögg).


Traditionalists will want the regular variety, old-fashioned, glögg and here's a classic recipe:

Old-fashioned glögg
Half a cup of vodka (you can also use whiskey or brandy)
5 cinnamon sticks
20 cloves
1 piece of ginger
1 teaspoon crushed cardamom kernels
1 bitter orange peel
1 bottle of cheap red wine (not too strong or rich)
1 cup + 2 oz sugar
blanched almonds
Mix the alcohol and spices in a jar, cover with lid and put in the fridge overnight. Shake the jar occasionally. Let the mixture pass through a coffee filter until you get a clear, golden liquid. Heat this liquid with the red wine, sugar and vanilla. Serve the hot glögg with blanched almonds and raisins.

Set up your own glögg party, here's how The quick and easy Glögg Party