Proposal: Learn Swedish become a citizen faster
The Swedish government is working on a new law proposal: If you know the Swedish language, you should be in the express line to becoming a citizen.

The proposal means a language bonus, that would give immigrants citizenship a year faster. But several groups have doubts. How fast a person picks up Swedish has to do not mainly with motivation, but what background the person has, like educational level, according to Malmö City, SIOS (Samarbetsorgan för etniska organisationer i Sverige or the Cooperation Group for ethnic Associations in Sweden), and RIFFI (Riksförbundet Internationella Föreningen för Invandrarkvinnor or the National Federation of Immigrant Women’s Associations).


However Minister for Integration Erik Ullenhag believes it is right to upgrade the importance of language: ”We have been bad at using (language) as a part of the integration process. It is a fairly natural goal in such a process, if you want to become a Swedish citizen and have your future here,” he says. Arbetsförmedlingen (the Swedish Public Employment Service) in their answer says that one consequence of a faster citizenship process, might mean newly arrived relatives may be affected if they lose their right to various introduction activities. The goal of the government is to put forth a law proposal after Christmas.