Only every other Swede wants to remain at home for Christmas, while those who want to travel abroad want to go somewhere nice and warm and forget about the holiday stress.

Almost 50% of the Swedish population would travel abroad to get away from the hysteria, if they could. When 6,575 people answered online questions, it turned out 57% want to celebrate in Sweden, while 43% wouldn’t mind going somewhere warm.


What is it these people want to get away from? Only 1 in 10 wants to escape difficult relatives, so it’s mostly the stress around Christmas that’s the driving force. And going abroad for New Year’s is even more popular. Magdalena Öhrn, Information Officer at the travel agency Ving, says: “We see a clear trend that many want to celebrate New Year’s somewhere else, we’ve had a higher pressure booking New Year trips this year than ever before.”

Among those who answered the questionnaire, 79% said they’d prefer to celebrate New Year’s on a sunny beach, 15% wanted to go to a big city, and 4% to a ski resort.