New statistics show that women are in majority when it comes to starting up new, smaller businesses. In Sweden there are over 680,000 small businesses - a small business is a simpler form of entrepreneurship - and there are women behind more than 50% of them.

“Starting up a company takes time and money, which is something women have less of compared with men. A small business is easier to manage and a good way to figure out if there’s a market for your ideas,” says Gunilla Thorstensson, Director of Activities at Tillväxtverket (the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth).


Just in case you didn't know, the SWEA (Swedish Women's Educational Organization) we referred to earlier in the headline of our newsletter is an organization for Swedish speaking women abroad. The chapters of SWEA organize a variety of events - Fashion Show in Orange County, Calif. or SWEA Chicago celebrates 30! (Do a search on our start page, you'll be surprised!)

If you are a woman, speak Swedish and want more contact with similarly equipped, the organization is a good start. Here's a bit more on the organization from its own 30th anniversary - SWEA 30 Years