Lower student aid for humanities and arts?
Svenskt Näringsliv (the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise) proposes they should, since finding a job in these professions is difficult, once the students graduate. An economist for the federation, Malin Sahlén, says one third of the students who study these subjects do not find relevant work five years after graduating. She says the proposal would signal to students that their training will not create large opportunities in the future. The Swedish news agency TT reports that the head of the Swedish Union for Theatre, Artists and Media has called the proposal "scary". "It would be very strange if someone from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise would suggest that these types of professions are not needed in a modern, humanistic, and democratic society," she said. Deputy education minister, Nyamko Sabuni of the Liberals, also came out against the suggestion. "No, no, no," she said. "The study allowance system must be for the long-term. It would inappropriate to draw a difference between learning and learning. All education develops individuals, and with that, society," she said.