Jan Elisasson – Kenneth of the year
Deputy Secretary-General of the United States Jan Eliasson must be used to honors, but this one was probably unexpected. The distinguished Swede has been named “Årets Kenneth” (This year’s Kenneth) by Svenska Kennethklubben (the Swedish Kenneth Club).
An honored Jan Kenneth Eliasson writes to the club that he appreciates that the club supports Barncancerfonden (the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation) and the UN’s work to reach the millennium goals.

In connection with the club’s 20th anniversary this past weekend, 73 Kenneths gathered in Sundsvall in a bid for the Guinness Book of Records. The youngest Kenneth was just 4 months old and the oldest was 80, according to Dagbladet. If you’re a Kenneth and you’re Swedish, you might want to look into joining the Svenska Kenneth Klubben yourself at www.Kenneth.se