Baking is both science and art. As most home bakers know, some understanding of how ingredients create structure, density and taste is key. Do you want your cookie chewy, crispy, sweet or salty? Practice makes perfect.

A few cookies we’ve tried offer a combination of all these good things at the New York based Unna Bakery. The 100% female owned bakery, launched in Harlem in 2015, now has items available at 200 stores across the U.S. Its cookies are pricey but will take you back to a different time when all-natural, non-GMO ingredients were the only norm for fika time. Unna’s founder, Ulrika Pettersson, recently added coconut oat and lemon lime to her selection of classic cookie varieties that meets the magic number for a traditional “kafferep” (getting together to enjoy a chat, coffee and cookies) with just the right amount of cookies: seven - not too many, not too few.


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