Blåbär, or blueberries, is one of Scandinavia’s super berries. “Super” because the berry is chock full of antioxidants and fiber and contains vitamins C, K, and B6. Scientific studies show that blueberries may have a positive effect of infections and inflammations. Also, blueberries along with probiotics are thought to protect against and relieve intestinal disorders. Here’s a recipe for a shake from the book “Pigg och glad med raw food” by Danish Vibeke Amdisen.

Blueberry shake
4 cups almond milk
225 g blueberries (fresh or frozen)
1.5 ripe banana
1 Tablespoon agave syrup
5 ice cubes


Put the almond milk, the blueberries, the banana, the agave, and the ice cubes in a mixer or blender and mix well. Pour the mixture into pretty glasses and decorate with straws.

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