Cultural Leader, Monica Shipley makes this wonderful Smörgåstårta for the Norden Lodge #684 (Golden Gate District #12/California) Valborgsmassoafton celebration each year.

Swedish Smörgåstårta


White and wheat bread (square sandwich type). Cut crusts from bread. Begin by laying 4 slices white bread flat on platter with edges touching, spread with margarine (important, this prevents bread from becoming soggy).
1st layer: Mix chopped smoked ham with about 2½ tablespoons mayonnaise and 1 tablespoon sour cream. You need enough to just hold the ham together. Spread on bread.
2nd layer: Use wheat bread, spread with margarine on both sides. Mix chopped hard boiled eggs with about 2½ tablespoons mayonnaise and 1 tablespoon sour cream. Spread on bread.
3rd layer: Use white bread, spread with margarine, both sides. Cover bread with shredded lettuce, top with baby shrimp. Cover with wheat bread, but only spread margarine on bread that faces down over shrimp.

Frosting: Mix together mayo and sour cream (3-1). Make enough to cover top and sides of torte. Press shredded lettuce on all sides. Decorate with cucumber slices, radishes, shrimp, cherry tomatoes and hard boiled eggs. Overlap veggies as you go making rows the length of the torte. Refrigerate 24 hours.

Submitted by Carole Ann Sell

"Smörgåstårta ... A Scandinavian cuisine dish that is popular in Finland, Sweden and Estonia. This salty cake is compositionally similar to a sandwich, but it has such a large amount of filling that it more resembles a layered cream cake with garnished top.
Smörgåstårta is served cold and sliced like a dessert cake. The types of sandwich cakes vary from meat, fish, combinations of cheeses and meats to vegan. The smörrebröd top decor often reflects the ingredients used as a filling." (Descriptive write-up from Wikipedia)

The look and the fillings and toppings vary greatly with smörgåstårta, but egg and mayonnaise are often the base, while additional filling often includes one or more of the following: liver paté, olives, shrimp, ham, various cold cuts, caviar, tomato, cucumber, cheese and smoked salmon.