Swedes’ own favorite Swedish writers
What’s summer without a good book or more? Summer is the perfect season to pick up that book you’ve been wanting to read, but didn’t quite have time to, all fall, winter and spring. Boktipset.se is a website for Swedish booklovers, where you can create your very own “book shelf” with books you like, and also get tailored tips from others according to your taste. You can also discuss books there. It’s free to become a member. Based on ratings, member Anna Dybeck, created a list of the Swedish authors most Swede like to read.

Topping the list is
1. “Invandrarna” (“Unto a Good Land”) by Vilhelm Moberg,
2. “Utvandrarna del 2” (“The Emigrants”), Vilhelm Moberg,
3. “Nybyggarna/Sista brevet till Sverige” (“The Last Letter Home”), Vilhelm Moberg,
4. “Boken om Pippi Långstrump” (“Do You Know Pippi Longstocking?”), Astrid Lindgren,
5. “Bröderna Lejonhjärta” (“The Brothers Lionheart), by Astrid Lindgren,
6. “Vävarnas barn” (not translated) by Per Anders Fogelström,
7. “Barn av sin stad” (“Children of Their City”), Per Anders Fogelström,
8. “Minns du den stad” (“Remember the City”), Per Anders Fogelström,
9. “Stad i världen” (“City in the World”), Per Anders Fogelström, and
10. “Mina drömmars stad” (“City of My Dreams”) by Per Anders Fogelström.